
Wednesday 23 September 2015

WWE United States Championship Match John Cena (c) vs. Seth Rollins

As Lilian Garcia does the in-ring introductions, Rollins blindsides Cena with a clothesline. Rollins stomps away at him before the referee backs him up. Cena says he’s ok, and the referee calls for the bell. Rollins hits a weak clothesline for a two count. Rollins covers again for another two count. Rollins connects with a neckbreaker for another two count. Rollins punches him in the face before choking him on the middle rope for a two count. Rollins punches Cena down before dropping a knee that misses by a mile for a two count. The camera are getting the worst angles tonight. Rollins goes for a Pedigree, but Cena counters out with an STF attempt. Cena pulls Rollins up, and Rollins floors him with an enzuigiri for a two count. Rollins hits Cena with a running forearm for another two count. Rollins backs up and charges into a clothesline. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment, but Rollins kicks him in the midsection and connects with a DDT for a near fall. Cena rolls out of the ring to recover.
-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Rollins standing over Cena. This is the loudest the crowd has been all night. Rollins applies a chin lock, but Cena gets up with him on his back. Cena drives him into the corner to get out of the hold. Rollins quickly comes back with a Sling Blade for a two count. Rollins punches Cena in the head and staggers him. Rollins applies a side headlock and punches him again. Cena shoves him into the ropes and hits a pair of shoulder tackles followed by a back suplex powerbomb. Cena connects with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Rollins quickly rolls out of the ring to try and leave. Cena follows him out and throws him into the ring. Cena goes to the top rope, but Rollins quickly cuts him off and goes for a superplex. Cena fights Rollins off and hits a cross-body block for a near fall. Rollins rolls through and picks up a two count. Rollins kicks him in the midsection and the face for another near fall. Cena goes for an AA, but Rollins rolls him up. Rollin then transitions into an STF! Rollins then changes that into a crossface. Cena powers up and drops Rollins on the apron. Rollins hits a springboard flying knee to the face for a near fall.
Rollins takes a few moments to recover before attempting a Pedigree. Cena counters into a catapult, but Rollins lands on the second rope. Cena quickly gets him with an electric chair facebuster for a near fall. Cena elbows Rollins in the back. They then start trading punches. Cena goes for an AA, but Rollins gets out and goes for a Pedigree. Cena counters into an AA, but Rollins again slides off and attempts a Pedigree. Cena goes for a back body drop, but Rollins lands on his feet. Cena goes for a hurricanrana, but Rollins counters into a turnbuckle powerbomb. Rollins immediately follows up with a sit-out falcon’s arrow for a near fall. Rollins cannot believe Cena kicked out. Rollins sets Cena up in the corner and goes for a Phoenix Splash, but Cena rolls out of the way. Rollins lands on his feet, and Cena quickly catches him in the STF. Rollins claws his way to the bottom rope to break the hold. Rollins stays on the apron to recover. Rollins catches Cena with a kick to the head. Rollins goes to the top rope and connects with a frog splash, but Cena rolls through and connects with an AA for the win.
Winner and still WWE United States Champion: John Cena
Match Rating: ** 3/4

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