
Thursday 10 April 2014

WWE World HeavyWeight Champion. Daniel Bryan

YES-ing in the face of Authority, Bryan looks ready for the fight against Triple H
YES-ing in the face of Authority, Bryan looks ready for the fight against Triple H
This week’s Monday Night RAW kicked off with a Daniel Bryan visit-down-memory-lane – His journey from a NXT rookie to the WWE World HeavyWeight Champion. Daniel Bryan walks out to the ring with fans chanting the YES! chant. He’s wearing the World HeavyWeight Championship around his waist and holds up the WWE Title.
Bryan’s music stops and the fans chant his name in a huge way. Bryan just stands there and takes it all in. Bryan jokes that the fans never get tired and a big “no” chant starts. Bryan talks about how we’re all here thanks to one word. He credits the fans wanting change. He goes on and is interrupted by Triple H’s music. Out he comes with Stephanie McMahon.
Triple H and Stephanie stand on the apron as fans chant a**hole at them. Bryan walks over and chants “yes” with the titles in Triple H’s face. Triple H tells him to enjoy this moment because that’s all it is. Triple H says he’s going to personally make sure it doesn’t last through the night. Triple H says Bryan is going to defend his title against him tonight. Triple H says he’s putting an end to this crap tonight. Triple H says this is his show and there’s nothing we can do about it. He drops the mic and leaves. Bryan gets another chant going before his music hits and The Authority looks back from the stage.
Backstage, Batista confronts Triple H and says he’s not happy with the way things worked out. Randy Orton walks up and says he wants a shot at the Title rematch that he deserves. Triple H tells both of them that they will get the rematches they deserve, while Stephanie tells Orton and Batista that they are facing The Usos for the tag titles.

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